Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines: Submission of Papers
Every paper will be included in a bound Journal volume.
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Format of the Research Paper: After the acceptance, authors will require to make the manuscript as per the attached format.
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Submissions of manuscripts for the regular issues should be sent to either the Managing Editor or the Editor-in-Chief. The editor(s) of the special issue should receive manuscripts for the issue. Please use the "JIICET-Paper-Sample-Format" and only Word paper for all submissions.
When a manuscript is submitted, it is implicitly understood that other journals are not considering publishing the work.
If any content that is protected by copyright is used, the author must obtain the required release and submit it with the paper.
After a manuscript is accepted, authors are presumed to have given JIICET copyright ownership of the work.
Every paper will be referenced and appreciated. They are not coming back.
Please refer to the guidelines at for the preparation and submission of the final manuscript. The final draft of the paper is assumed to be in its final shape upon submission. Publication delays will result from instructions not being followed.
Even if the writers decide to withdraw their work later, they must still pay the publication price and give up copyright to JIICET once their work is accepted and published on the final day of the month.
Guidelines for Submission
Generation Next Technologies serves as the journal's editor. Journal of Innovative Intelligent Computing and Emerging Technologies (JIICET) was established in 2023. Each year, JIICET publishes four issues in March, June, September, and December. It is understood that these articles are not up for publication elsewhere. Since its founding, the Journal has worked to promote academic research by disseminating novel findings that advance our understanding of computing and technology while also adhering to the strictest analytical guidelines. JIICET is an open access, international journal that undergoes peer review. Any specialization in the areas of computing, machine learning, wireless communication, human-computer interface, image processing, and mathematical computing is related to the published publications. Academics and researchers from any university as well as professionals and executives from the business sector make up the target audience.
Details of contact for submission
Submissions are accepted all year round, and reviews are completed in three to five months on average. Emails with the attachments should be submitted to [email protected] OR [email protected] in Microsoft Word format (.doc,.docx). Every submission must adhere to the JIICET format and undergo double-blind peer review.
Charges for Publication when it comes to charging any kind of publication fee, JIICET adheres according to the rules and directives provided by Pakistan's Higher Education Commission (HEC) for recognized, accredited, and financed publications. Instead, JIICET does not charge writers a fee for submission or review in exchange for their work being published. JIICET solely concentrates on excellent peer-reviewed publications in its domain.
Checklist for submissions
Before sending your work to the journal for evaluation, you can utilize this list to give it one more inspection. For further information, please refer to the relevant part of this Writer's Guide. Make sure the following things are available.
As the corresponding author, the following author has been assigned contact information:
Internet address
whole mailing address
The required files are all attached:
Add JEL categorization codes and keywords.
Every figure (with subtitles where appropriate)
Every table (with captions, descriptions, and footnotes included)
Make that the text's citations for all figures and tables correspond to the supplied files.
Additional files (if relevant)
Other things to think about:
The manuscript has been "grammar checked" and "spell checked."
The text cites every reference included in the Reference List, and vice versa.
The use of copyrighted content from other sources—including the Internet—has permission.
There have been pertinent declarations of interest issued.
Review of the journal policies described in this guide has taken place.
Referee recommendations and contact information are given in accordance with journal guidelines.